Wolf Van Halen Loses Famous ‘Frankenstrat’ Guitar on Bus

Wolf Van Halen Loses Famous ‘Frankenstrat’ Guitar on Bus

Wolfgang Van Halen lost his father’s famous guitar, known as ‘Frankenstrat’, on a Los Angeles crosstown bus. Wolfie is the son of legendary guitarist Eddie Van Halen.

Wolfie left his studio apartment on La Cienega and boarded the 218 Bus at approximately 11AM. He was headed to the 5150 studios in Studio City. “I had ‘Frankenstrat’ with me and I sat in the back of the bus. While I ate my bear claw, I relaxed, drank a Yoo-hoo while listening to the Madhouse Magazine Radio Hour podcast. I was laughing so hard, some Yoo-hoo came out of my nose.”


“I got off the bus at my stop and walked a block to the studio. I stopped at the news stand and bought a Red Bull and some spicy Cheetos. When I got to the studio, I greeted guitarist Frank Sidoris and he asked me where’s the guitar? My heart sank and my knees buckled. I ran out into the street but the bus was long gone. I could not believe I lost Frankenstrat. My bowels were quaking and my knees were shaking, so I collapsed on the curb cried and vomited on myself.”

Wolf Van Halen Loses Famous ‘Frankenstrat’ Guitar on Bus

‘Frankenstrat’ of course, is the famous guitar Eddie Van Halen built back in the 1970s. “You feel the history. It’s kind of terrifying holding it, just because arguably it is the most famous guitar in musical history. It’s definitely quite the thing to hold it,” Wolf Van Halen cried. 


Wolfie has announced that he is offering a $500 reward for the safe return of ‘Frankie’. No questions asked. Both Sammy Hagar and David Lee Roth tried to claim the reward with fraudulent copies of the guitar, but were turned away. 

Little Wolfie who now fronts his own band, Mammoth WVH was in big trouble when he got home. His mom Valerie Bertinelli grounded him as he was forbidden to ever leave the house with Frankenstrat.

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