Human Skeletal Remains Found In Axl Rose’s Backyard

Human Skeletal Remains Found In Axl Rose’s Backyard

Human Skeletal Remains Found In Axl Rose’s Backyard? It was an unusual Sunday for one Indiana neighborhood, as police cars filled the streets after a man’s dog dug up human remains in the backyard. Things then took an even crazier twist. Evidently the house is the childhood home of Guns N’ Roses frontman Axl Rose. 

Authorities say the dog was doing what most dogs do—digging—when the owner went out to check on the pet and he saw what appeared to be human skeletal remains. Investigators at this time aren’t sure of the gender, age, or cause of death of this victim. There is no estimation either on just how long these remains were in that backyard.

Police had to fight the dog for the bones. The dog is a Jack Russell terrier named Fonzie. Witnesses stated Fonzie had a large bone in his mouth as cops chased him around the neighborhood. One large policeman cornered Fonzie and was involved in a tug of war before losing and falling in a puddle of mud. Finally the dog was tasered and the bones were all retrieved. 

Axl Rose’s Backyard

The modest nondescript house is located in Lafayette, Indiana. Axl was born and raised there. The current owner of the property is Casey Crosby. Crosby reported the bones to authorities but it was a neighbor that squealed on Rose. Eva Lewarne, 93, has lived next door all her life. 

Human Skeletal Remains Found In Axl Rose’s Backyard

Lewarne told authorities that a crazy rock n roll singer used to live at the residence. “That Axl Rose fella lived there. I am sure he is involved in this. He was always getting in trouble, he was a very bad boy, the police were here all the time. Mainly because I would call them. Many times he went on my lawn and he was always playing devil music. My cat is still missing and I am sure he was involved in that too.”

I Used To Love Her

Miss Lewarne supplied police with lyrics to the Guns N Roses song “I Used to Love Her” as evidence. “He basically confessed in this song. I demand he be arrested immediately. Clear as day he sings,  I used to love her, oh yeah, but I had to kill her, I used to love her, ooh yeah, but I had to kill her, I knew I’d miss her so I had to keep her, She’s buried right in my backyard Oh yeah. What more do you need? Find out about my cat also.”

Axl Rose commented, “What? I haven’t lived there for 40 years. That old bag next door was always out to get me. She still blames me for her missing cat. I had nothing to do with that, she is crazy as a loon. I bet she bought a bag of bones from Party City and buried them in the yard to blame me. It’s just a song, not a confession.”

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