Elvis Presley Final Interview: June 26, 1977

Elvis Presley Final Interview

We once again rummaged through our dusty archives and found a real gem. This never before seen or heard interview with Elvis Presley was found underneath a stack of old “Jim Jones” trading cards and a six pack of Billy Beer. 

This Elvis interview, conducted by renowned rock journalist Claude Balzac, was conducted on June 26, 1977. This was Elvis’s final interview ever. The interview took place backstage following Elvis’s very last concert at the Indiana Market Square Arena in Indianapolis. 

Elvis Presley Final Interview

Madhouse Magazine: Elvis – great to see you again. Thanks for taking the time to talk to us. 

Elvis Presley: Claude, my man, my pleasure, I Love Madhouse. I used to read it to the groupies before I would wrassle them in my jungle room.  The loser would have their fanny paddled with the magazine. Little Lisa Marie loves the magazine too. I would read it to her instead of bed time stories. She loved it way more than Dr. Seuss, she would laugh and laugh. 

Lisa Marie

Madhouse: How is little Lisa Marie? 

Elvis: She is great. I just signed a deal with Joe Jackson Senior, the head of the Jackson 5 family. We agreed that Michael and Lisa would get married when they are of age. Michael is such a nice stable young man, that is hard to find in show business, he will make a good husband someday for my little girl. 

Madhouse: So how are you feeling? Are you taking care of yourself? 

Elvis: Are you kidding, I have glaucoma, hypertension, liver damage, an enlarged colon, rickets and the gout. I live on peanut butter, bacon and banana sandwiches deep fried in lard. Other than that, I am fine though. 

Elvis Presley Final Interview

Elvis Presley Illustration By Paul King Art


Madhouse: You told me once that you had an identical twin brother. 

Elvis: Yes, this does not leave this room, but I did have an identical twin brother, but I killed him and ate him in utero. It’s actually quite common. I was the dominant twin and I absorbed the parasitic twin. His name was Jesse and I often have dreams of Jesse and I have visions of a terrible fight for survival in the womb. Those are my earliest memories. 

Steve Allen

Madhouse: Who was the biggest jerk you knew in show business?

Elvis: Steve Allen is by far the biggest jerk. That goofy four eyed talentless freak tried to make a fool out of me on his show. I will tell you I waited for him after that in his dressing room and stuffed his head in the toilet and made his wife flush the toilet while holding my coat. That’s the last time he messed with me boy. 

Madhouse: Do you find show business to be as bad as they say?

Elvis: Oh man it is much worse. It is nothing but fruits and nuts. Every fruit is a little nutty and every nut is a little fruity. I’m surrounded by Pedos, Weirdos, backstabbers, beggars and hangers on. This does not leave the room either but that fat f*ck Colonel Tom is a war criminal and thief. He has been lying to me and stealing my money. I am firing him as soon as I can get things in order. If anything happens to be look at Col Tom. You didn’t hear this from me but I may leave the entire business. Just fake my death and leave the country, you can come visit me on my private island. 

Love Child

Madhouse: There have been rumors that you have a secret relationship which produced a love child. 

Elvis: [laughs] Nothing gets past you Claude. Ok once again this doesn’t leave this room but I have been involved with a great girl Shirley Hemphill. She is a great actress and comedian. I call her my little milk dud and we have a child together named Elvante.

Elvis: Hey enough of this jabber jawing, let’s go shoot some guns and do some Karate. I will let you see my special badge that Richard Nixon gave me.

Related Stories: DNA Confirms Elvis Presley’s Love Child With Hollywood Starlet

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