Dee Snider Selling D*ck Pics

  • By Claudia Stavola –

Twisted Sister frontman Dee Snider is selling dick pics after he mistook a fan declaring, “I wanna rock” for “I wanna co*k” during a Zoom meet-and-greet with super-fan Noah Suppaforue. 

Suppaforue was thrilled to talk to his idol and started yelling “I wanna rock” to the hard-of-hearing 65-year-old rocker. The always gracious Snider replied, “You know what? You got it pal! What’s your email?” When the fan checked his email, he was shocked to see a dick pic that needed two screens to view in its entirety (eat your heart out Tommy Lee!).

Like all musicians, Snider is unable to make money from touring during the pandemic, so he needed another way to earn an income. He didn’t intend to sell stills of his pants-python, but he decided to make the most of it after the positive feedback he received from the gaffe. He told Madhouse Magazine how he came to the decision to expose his pecker, “I’m a dude.” 

Snider’s business venture has inspired other artists to sell nude selfies but the reception hasn’t been as positive. Axl Rose tried selling some up-skirt shots in his kilt, but they ended up as the before pictures on a labiaplasty website. Patti Smith also offered up some nudes which were a big hit among Chia Pet fans and 70-year-old men with ponytails. 

 To get a Snider dick pic, go to Twisted Sister’s website and follow the Venmo link to meet the band’s sixth “member” for five dollars.