Daryl Hall Wins Westminster Dog Show

-By Claudia Stavola-

Even though the 2021 Westminster Dog Show doesn’t take place until June, singer Daryl Hall has already declared himself the Best in Show. 

Hall made the announcement through an Instagram story that showed him eating a treat out of John Oates’ hand while circling his keyboard. 

Hall spoke with Madhouse Magazine to explain his bold move, “Look man, at 74 years old, I still have the hair of a three-year-old Afghan Hound. And I’m definitely hotter than that poodle from last year with the perm-mullet. Been there done that. It probably took her three hours to get her hair like that. Mine? I did it, I did it, I did it, I did it in a minute.” 

Hall’s been going stir crazy because he can’t tour during the pandemic. He’s especially bored because he already finished renovating one of his houses that he was working on, and he doesn’t have a wife to divorce. He was looking for other ways to occupy his time. 

“Renovating the house was a great way to kill time, but there’s nothing like the feeling you get from adoring fans. At this point, I don’t give a shit where the fans come from: concerts or dog shows. It’s all good to me. You have to do what you want and be what you are.”