Brian May to Appear in New Pirates of the Caribbean Movie with Johnny Depp

Brian May to Appear in New Pirates of the Caribbean Movie with Johnny Depp

Queen guitarist Brian May has confirmed that he will be starring in the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie alongside Johnny Depp. May broke the news after he posted a photo of himself in a puffy shirt and powdered wig with the caption, “How you like me now b*tches”. Johnny Depp liked the post and added a smirking emoji. 

It has been rumored that Johnny Depp would not appear in the latest installment of the Pirates franchise. However, after Disney backed up a Brink’s truck to Depp’s door, the proverbial offer he could not refuse, Johnny happily accepted. The word on the street is that Depp will receive $301 million for the film. An inside source alleges that Disney also offered to make Amber Heard disappear. The source claims that he overheard a high level executive tell Depp, “You want Amber gone, you say the word and I make Amber gone.”

Galileo, Galileo

Johnny Depp had just one demand, and that was for Brian May to have a major part in the new movie. The new movie will be titled “Pirates of the Caribbean: Galileo, Galileo”. May will play Claude Swann, the brother of Governor Weatherby Swann. Weatherby was an ongoing character until he was killed offscreen in the third installment. Claude is an astronomer and CFO of the East India trading company. He vows revenge on his brother’s killer. 

Brian May to Appear in New Pirates of the Caribbean Movie with Johnny Depp

Brian May, CBE, PhD, FRAS is a founding member of Queen, a world-renowned guitarist, songwriter, producer and performer. He is also a Doctor of Astrophysics, 3-D stereoscopic photographic authority and a passionate advocate and campaigner for animal rights. Brian can now add actor to his resume. May never lets an opportunity to brag about his PHD pass. So there will be lots of astrophysicist stuff in the new movie and a lot of Uranus jokes. 

May will not be the first rock star to appear in the Pirates franchise. Paul McCartney appeared in the movie and Depp states his entire character was modeled after Keith Richards. Richards also appears in the film. Other rock stars that may or may not have appeared in the film include, Alice Cooper, Stevie Nicks, GG Allin, John Lydon, Adam Ant and the guy who played Creed in The Office.

Rocket Science

Brian told Madhouse Movie critic at large Julius Fontaine, “Did I tell you that I am a Doctor of Astrophysics?  I am an actual Astrophysicist, like a rocket scientist. I am like so smart not like the rest of those dumbass rock stars. If you want the honest truth, the dumbest rock star I ever met was Bruce Springsteen. The man is daft as a box of frogs. He is a real twit.”

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