Ace Frehley Reveals First Shocking Secret About Paul Stanley

Ace Frehley Reveals First Shocking Secret About Paul Stanley

Guitarist Ace Frehley reveals a shocking secret about his former KISS band mate, Paul Stanley. Ace was angry about comments Stanley made on the Howard Stern Show and gave him an ultimatum. Ace gave Paul 7 days to apologize or he would reveal the band’s dirty little secrets. Frehley did not even wait the full 7 days as Stanley double dog dared him to go ahead and rat. So Frehley decided to release 1 secret per day. 

In an interview on The Howard Stern Show earlier this month Stanley took a dig at his ex-bandmates. “Concerning the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame performance, the organizers were demanding we played with Ace & Peter. But If we let them play, the band would be more like PISS instead of KISS. And Ace should be called A$$.” 

Ace Frehley vs Paul Stanley

Frehley then appeared on The Eddie Trunk show issued Stanley an ultimatum. “Listen jerk, you have seven days to issue a formal apology or I will ruin you. I want a hard copy of the apology written out, double spaced and there better not be any spelling mistakes. Then you are to apologize live with a retraction and 1 million dollars in small bills should be deposited into my account.”

Ace Frehley Reveals First Shocking Secret About Paul Stanley

Frehley continued, “Paul, I have a 120 page manifesto detailing all of your crimes against nature and I am ready to go public if my demands are not met. My attorney has the document in a safety deposit box. God forbid anything happens to me, my attorney is instructed to release it to the New York TimesMadhouse Magazine, everybody. I ain’t no Epstein, and I also have the document on microfiche and it is securely inserted into my rectum for safe keeping.”

Stanley then replied, “Ace is a liar, he’s got nothing. Go ahead and tell your secrets, no one is going to believe you.” Gene Simmons replied, “Hey Ace old buddy I always loved you best. You were always my favorite. Remember I didn’t say anything it was all Paul.”


This comment by Stanley led Ace to reveal a sample of the secrets he has in his manifesto. Ace tweeted “Ok Paul you asked for it, I will now reveal one secret per day until my demands are met. The first secret that I know is that Paul Stanley is a surviving parasitic twin. Stanley broke free of his host twin. He then cannibalized his own twin brother in utero, but lost a portion of his ear during the fight with his twin. There are evident signs of Stanley being a parasitic twin. He has a pseudo tail and a second penis which he goes to great lengths to conceal. I have the proof and photos.” 

A parasitic twin is an identical twin that has stopped developing during gestation, but is physically attached to the fully developing twin. The fully developed twin is also known as the dominant or autosite twin. If what Ace is saying is true, this is one of the few cases of a parasitic twin thriving on it’s own. Stay tuned as this battle plays out. 

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