World Finds Solace Knowing They Are NOT Quarantined with James Corden & Ed Sheeran

The entire world population has finally found something to bring them together. 

Things may look bleak and there may be mass confusion and uncertainty. You may be quarantined in Italy, Spain, China or the USA, but the one thing that brings us all together is that it could always be worse. Yes that’s right, imagine if you will, being quarantined in a small apartment or flat with James Corden and Ed Sheeran. 

Whatever your current situation, imagine being there with these 2 chubby little losers. The little weird ginger kid singing sappy songs to you. Or the other one singing and telling jokes and trying to get you into his car. Now that would be tragic. 

Take Me Now Lord!

People all over the globe just heaved a sigh of relief and said “Oh Thank God! Yes that would be much worse than my current situation.”

Giancarlo Macicolli commented “I have been stuck in a 1 bedroom apartment in Rome for 2 weeks with a broken toilet and 1 bowl of pasta per day, but I am doing well and my spirits are up. If either of those clowns were here, my spirit would be broken and I would jump out of the window.”

Ed Sheeran responded “Wait, What!?”.