Ultimate Hoax Revealed: Joe Biden Is Hilarious Andy Kaufman Character

Ultimate Hoax Revealed: Joe Biden Is Hilarious Andy Kaufman Character

In what is undeniably the greatest prank of all time, performance artist Andy Kaufman staged his own death and went on to assume the role of The President of the United States. 

Andy Kaufman was an American actor, singer, professional wrestler and performance artist. He starred as Latka Gravas on Taxi from 1978-1983. Another well-known Kaufman character is Tony Clifton. Clifton was an absurd, audience-abusing lounge singer. Tony even began opening for Kaufman at comedy clubs and eventually even performed concerts on his own around the country. Sometimes it was Kaufman performing as Clifton, sometimes it was his brother Michael or Bob Zmuda.

Carnegie Hall

At the beginning of an April 1979 performance at New York’s Carnegie Hall, Kaufman invited his “grandmother” to watch the show from a chair he had placed at the side of the stage. At the end of the show, she stood up, took her mask off and revealed to the audience that she was actually comedian Robin Williams in disguise. Andy was involved in pro wrestling and there was an infamous slapping incident on The David Letterman show. 

Ultimate Hoax Revealed: Joe Biden Is Hilarious Andy Kaufman Character

As pranks and elaborate ruses were major elements of his career, persistent rumors have circulated that Kaufman faked his own death as a grand hoax. Well, those rumors have now been confirmed by Andy Kaufman himself. 

Andy revealed to Madhouse News that he did not in fact die of lung cancer in 1984 at the age of 35. He staged the whole illness and death and went underground. He then underwent extensive plastic surgery and began his metamorphosis into Joe Biden. 

Come On Man

“Come on Man” said Kaufman laughing. “Didn’t any of you notice that Biden has changed dramatically and is virtually unrecognizable from the 1970s Joe Biden. Do you really think the country would allow such an inept bumbling man with obvious dementia to run the country? It is me, Zmuda and my brother again playing the greatest hoax the world has ever seen. I modeled this character after Mr Magoo. I can’t believe you dummies fell for it again.”

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