Roger Waters Partakes in Coronavirus Toilet Licking Challenge

By Claudia Stavola

Pink Floyd bassist/vocalist Roger Waters released a TikTok video licking a toilet bowl. The video shows Waters participating in the latest Coronavirus challenge in which social media “influencers” record themselves licking toilet seats to prove that they are too good to get the virus, or that the pandemic is just a hoax. The trend started with a 22-year-old attention-whore who licked a toilet seat explaining that she was sick of the virus getting more coverage than her, and that hot blondes are immune from getting sick (ironically while exposing that she is in fact sick…in the head).

Waters appears on screen in Cookie Monster onesie pajamas while addressing fans. “Hello mates. Is there anybody in there?” He tells viewers he’s about to lick the loo at a gas station near his home in the Hamptons. He crouches down with his tongue hanging out to lick the bowl and says, “See. There’s nothing to be afraid of. Tastes just like mum’s Sunday haggis.” 

Roger Waters in his Cookie Monster PJ’s

He explains to Madhouse News via Zoom that he saw the TikTok challenge and thought it was a splendid idea. When asked what exactly about this idea could be positive, he didn’t seem to have an answer and just started yelling, “Jon Bon Jovi hates Palestinians!” before running off screen, flinging Cheerios across the room and throwing himself on the floor.

He seemed unaware of the fact his camera was still on as Madhouse observed him coughing uncontrollably. A woman then entered from another room and appeared to rectally take his temperature before he passed out. She was heard calling 911 and saying that he looked comfortably numb since fainting, but she thinks her boss has Covid-19 and a serious case of the crazies. 

Claudia Stavola

Claudia is a talented Comedian & Writer. Catch her on Monsters of Rock Radio, Weekdays 5-9AM Pacific / 8AM-12PM Eastern