Roger Waters Gets Hand Stuck in Pringles Can. Cancels Concert

Roger Waters Gets Hand Stuck in Pringles Can. Cancels Concert

Former Pink Floyd bass player and founder Roger Waters was forced to cancel concert dates this week after getting his hand stuck in a can of Pringles potato chips. 

Basically Waters is a controversial outspoken figure who is seemingly at odds with everyone. He is currently estranged from his former Pink Floyd bandmates and doing a solo tour. Roger arrived in Denver, Colorado prior to his upcoming show at the Ball Arena. While relaxing in his hotel room he asked room service to send up a burger, six pack of Coors light and some crisps. 

Crisps vs Chips

Waters continued, “After I ate the burger, I settled in on the bed to watch the local sports team. I started snacking on the crisps and I could not believe how delicious they were. As you know, these Potato chips as you call them in the states are known as Crisps in England.”

Roger Waters Gets Hand Stuck in Pringles Can. Cancels Concert

“These Pringles come in a nice little cylinder tube. The flavor was Jalapeno and they were quite addicting. I literally could not stop as I mindlessly jammed them into my face. I tried Pringles once back in the UK but the flavor was Prawn Cocktail and they tasted like a$$. Now of course I live in NY and have for many years but I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle and Pringles are not part of my diet.”


“Anyway, I have now eaten most of the tube but there are still some of those delicious ba$tards stuck in the bottom of the can. I am going in after them. No way Am I going to let them go to waste. I start jamming my hand in the tube deeper and deeper until I hear a pop and the can seizes up on my hand. I am completely stuck. The more I pull, the tighter it gets and my hand starts swelling up. My assistant, the band members and hotel staff tried valiantly to get my hand out but that tube would not budge.”

Denver Fire and Rescue squad were called and they eventually were able to free Roger using the jaws of life. Unfortunately his right hand swelled to the size of a watermelon. “My hands felt just like two balloons” stated Waters. “There is no way I can perform like this.” All upcoming shows are in jeopardy. 

Related Stories: Pink Floyd Releases New Single Titled “We Hate Roger Waters”