Keith Richards & Grandson Spotted in Jack Daniels & Cigarette Costumes

Keith Richards & Grandson Spotted in Jack Daniels & Cigarette Costumes

Legendary Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards shocked neighbors recently when he was spotted Trick-r-Treating with his young grandson. Keith and the boy were dressed in matching Halloween costumes. Keith was a giant bottle of Jack Daniels and the lad was a pack of cigarettes. 

Yes, you read that right. Keith Richards, the rock ‘n’ roll pirate of the high seas, and his pint-sized sidekick, Little Keith, hit the streets with a Halloween spirit that was unmatched in its uniqueness. Instead of opting for the traditional witches, superheroes, or ghosts, this pair decided to take a more, let’s say, “spirited” approach. What makes the costumes even funnier is that Keith allegedly stopped smoking and drinking. A news report declared that alcohol and cigarette stocks tanked.

Keith Richards & Grandson

Keith Richards, ever the rock ‘n’ roll connoisseur, donned a costume that was unmistakably a giant Jack Daniels whiskey bottle. The costume featured a life-sized replica of the iconic bottle label. It was complete with the instantly recognizable Old No. 7 logo. This somehow seemed even larger and more prominent than the original. Richards embodied a Halloween spirit that was equal parts rockstar and hilarious. 

Keith Richards & Grandson Spotted in Jack Daniels & Cigarette Costumes

As the pair went door to door, the reactions of the neighbors were priceless. Many couldn’t help but burst into laughter at the sight of Keith Richards and his grandson as a bottle of whiskey and a pack of cigarettes, while others were left in awe of their audacious Halloween spirit. Little Keith, with his oversized cigarette costume, managed to make even the toughest Halloween critic crack a smile.

Jack Daniels

Keith’s costume was so realistic that it even dispensed actual Jack Daniels Whisky from a hidden spout. As adults dispensed candy to his grandson, Keith returned the favor with a shot from his discreet spout. One woman even drank directly from the spout which was hysterically and strategically located near Richards nether regions. 

So, as Halloween season comes to a close, one thing is for sure: Keith Richards and Little Keith have set a new bar for creativity and humor in the world of Halloween costumes. Their Jack Daniels and Cigarettes getup may not be suitable for every trick-or-treater, but it certainly left a lasting impression on all those who had the privilege of witnessing this unexpected, rock ‘n’ roll Halloween extravaganza. Trick or treat, indeed!

Related Stories: Tobacco & Alcohol Stocks Plunge as Keith Richards Quits Smoking & Drinking!