Ice Cube & Trump Perform Straight Outta Compton Duet at Rally

Rapper Ice Cube joined President Trump at his rally in Wisconsin Saturday, and the pair performed a rousing version of ‘Straight Outta Compton”. 

The Wisconsin crowd was in shock when Donald introduced Ice Cube as a “crazy mother effer with attitude, just like me.” Donald and Cube hugged and then broke into the song. Donald was dancing, hip shaking and even a little break dancing, then took to the mic. 

“Who knew Trump could rap” said rally attendee Judi Yaccarino. “He was terrific, my favorite part was when Trump & Cube did that dance thing like Kid & Play. That was really impressive. Is there nothing that this President can’t do!? It was so hot when he was dancing, he moves like Jagger. He reminded me of a young John Travolta. I do believe i got the vapors.”

Trump & Ice Cube have been in discussions lately concerning Cube’s “Contract With Black America,” a plan he released earlier this year to address racial inequality. Trump’s plan — dubbed the “Platinum Plan” — includes initiatives such as “neighborhoods with highest policing standards” and replacing “failing schools” with “full school choice.” The pair have seem to come to some sort of agreement and are now best buddies. 

While performing the song, the duo traded lyrics off each other and even improvised lyrics. Donald rapped “Straight Outta Queens” and turned his MAGA hat around and to the side mugging for the camera. 

“He’s my homey” said Ice Cube. “We are going to get to work on my contract and we are even going into the studio to record a few tracks together. He has some sick rhymes for an old dude and he is a good dancer too. Who knew!?”