Bruce Springsteen Wears Woody Allen Costume to Prank Mia Farrow 

Bruce Springsteen is Woody Allen

Bruce Springsteen is Woody Allen. The internet erupted after a photo of Bruce Springsteen revealed that he looks just like creepy movie maker Woody Allen. The Boss let his hair go gray, donned thick nerdy glasses and wore a sweater just like the Wood man. The resemblance was uncanny. Bruce is not one to let a good opportunity go without capitalizing on it so he decided to make the best of the situation. 

Springsteen decided to keep the Woody Allen disguise on and prank Woody’s ex wife Mia Farrow. Bruce heard that Mia was attending a benefit dinner in town so he decided he would show up and surprise her. Boy was Mia ever surprised. 

Soon Yi

Springsteen first tracked down Soon Yi. He then convinced her that he was her husband Woody and that she should come with him to a benefit dinner. “Put on your best dress baby And darlin fix your hair up right” growled Bruce, “Cause there’s a party honey. Way down beneath the neon lights. All day you’ve been working that hard line, now tonight you’re gonna have a good time.”  Soon Yi looked confused but agreed anyway. 

Bruce Springsteen is Woody Allen

Bruce snuck up behind Mia and sniffed her hair and grunted “Hello Mia, It’s Woody time.” Mia was shocked and let out a scream. She was so upset that she maced Bruce/Woody and kicked him in the nads. Security pulled Mia off of Bruce as she was tasering his testicles. Farrow then ran after Soon Yi with a fork. Springsteen was screaming, “It’s a joke, a prank, it’s me Bruce Springsteen not Woody.”

Not Amused

Farrow was not amused at the prank as one would imagine given the pair’s volatile history. The two Hollywood weirdos were dating or married when Woody left Farrow for her adopted daughter Soon Yi. A terrible scandal erupted with all sorts of allegations and ugliness. 

Bruce commented, “Well in hindsight, maybe this was not the most thought out plan. It may have been ill conceived and poorly executed. But you have to admit it was funny AF!”

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