Bruce Springsteen is New Spokesperson for Peyronie’s Disease

Bruce Springsteen is New Spokesperson for Peyronie’s Disease

Bruce Springsteen has confirmed that he is the new spokesperson for Peyronie’s Disease. Springsteen told Howard Stern that he has suffered from the disease for many years and wants to help others impacted from it. The print ads feature Bruce and an actress portraying his wife Patti Scialfa. Patti refused to appear in the embarrassing ads.

Peyronie’s disease is a connective tissue disorder involving the growth of fibrous plaques in the soft tissue of the penis. Specifically, scar tissue forms in the tunica albuginea, the thick sheath of tissue surrounding the corpora cavernosa, causing pain, abnormal curvature, erectile dysfunction, indentation, loss of girth and shortening. It is estimated to affect between 20 to 30% of men. The condition becomes more common with age.

Shock Therapy

Peyronie’s is often caused by repeated sexual trauma or injury during deviant unnatural sexual acts or physical activity. Risk factors include diabetes, penile trauma, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, low sperm count and European heritage. There is currently no cure but some say wearing a brace or electric shock therapy has been effective. 

Bruce Springsteen is New Spokesperson for Peyronie’s Disease

Bruce broke down in tears when he described the shame and embarrassment that his curve has caused him over the years. “I hang left” cried Bruce. Stern then declared that he too suffers from the syndrome and he also hangs left. 

Freaky Stuff

Springsteen explained that he got the disorder back in the 1980s in Los Angeles. “There was a lot of freaky stuff going on back then. Tom Hanks and I used to play a game called Rochambeau. The game consists of us kicking each other in the nuts repeatedly until one of us gives up. That couldn’t have been good for my privates.”

Other sufferers include Dee Snider, Sebastian Bach, Steven Van Zandt and Jon Bon Jovi. Springsteen is planning a Peyronie’s awareness fundraiser concert for New Year’s Eve. Tickets are $5000 each and entitles you to entrance to the concert plus you get to play Rochambeau with the Boss. 

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