Ahead of Bronx Rally, Trump Announces Aaron Judge As VP Pick

Ahead of Bronx Rally, Trump Announces Aaron Judge As VP Pick

In a move that has left both political analysts and baseball fans scratching their heads, Donald Trump announced today that New York Yankees star Aaron Judge will be his running mate in the upcoming presidential election. Las Vegas oddsmakers never saw this one coming. 

It all makes sense now why Trump is having a rally in the Bronx, New York. Yankee Stadium is in The Bronx and fans will be delighted as Trump shows off his new running mate and potential future Vice President. With this move, many say New York is now a lock for The Donald.

“My beloved New York City has become a Sh*ithole” said Trump. “Literally, the other day I was walking down 5th Avenue and an enormous homeless woman was taking a dump in a garbage can. We made eye contact and she gave me attitude like I was the problem. Well, with Aaron Judge by my side we are going to take back the city and our country.”

Ahead of Bronx Rally, Trump Announces Aaron Judge As VP Pick

Judge, known for his towering home runs and larger-than-life presence on the baseball field, seemed equally confused and amused at the announcement. “I thought he was joking,” Judge said, chuckling. “But then he handed me a ‘Trump-Judge 2024’ cap and said, ‘Welcome to the team.’ He then assured me that being the Vice President is the easiest job in the world. They literally do nothing and get paid. Look at that big dummy Kamala, if she can do it anyone can.”

Donald Trump & Aaron Judge

“He’s got the height, the strength, the presence,” Trump said. “And let’s be honest, he looks great on a podium. Have you seen the guy? He’s huge. Absolutely huge. And America needs a VP who can handle the curveballs! Plus he could crush my enemies with his bare hands.”

Donald continued, “Of course The Yankees come first and we will make any accommodations Aaron needs. We will install a batting cage in the White House and a field of dreams in the rose garden. Lord only knows how many balls Kamala took on the chin while she was in the oval office.”

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